After defining our personal needs, the group decided to put them all together and then try to find some similarities between them. After locating the similarities between all of our needs we noticed that there were some needs more common in all of us. We decided to keep focusing on the similarities and make some questions with them. Matching other people's answers with ours could give us some sort of interactivity between users and the group in order to make a conclusion about the most common needs and how to cover them. We agreed that the best way to do so could be by the creation of a questionaire in which the questions should be answered in a growing scale from zero to ten. Here there are some examples of the questions so you can have a general idea of what we are going to be asking:

I have the ability to assess my circumstances and prioritise my time
Are you able to express yourself clearly and confidently?
I engage in cultural activity enough for personal and professional gain

The questions will be fitted into different categories, just as Maslow does in his pyramid of needs, the different categories and the answers will be theb representated graphically so the user will be able to compare the results with the overall average and the group averages.

My main task for this project is to do the graphic representation, for this pourpose I am using processing and the research I made so far (with the help from the rest of the group of course) on data visualization gave me some ideas already about how the interface and the interactivity should look like.

We Feel Fine Some Examples together Synoptic

The following are some examples of the investigation made during the execution of my task and some examples from the code I am using for the interface:

- Processing Radians:

public float xpos, ypos; // The center of the rotation

public float rot; //the amount of rotation
public float rad; //the distance from the center

void setup (){


xpos=width/2; //this just locates the center of the
ypos=height/2; //rotation at the center of the window

rad = 100; //moves the ellipse 100px far from the center


void draw (){

background (240);

ellipse( xpos+(cos(rot)*rad), ypos+(sin(rot)*rad), 20, 20);
// we add the cosine to the x position and the sin to the y
// The Pythagorean theorem basically

rot = rot + 0.1; //adds one radian every frame so it moves


Just copy and paste this code into processing, I made it as much simple as I could, feel free to modify, play and observe. Thanks to: Spencer Roberts.

-Different graphic Interfaces for Processing:
They are basically two, or the most used ones are these two: Control P5 and Interfascia

I am more used to work with Control P5 but this time i found a problem (maybe I didn´t managed to solve it) at the time of using radio buttons for the user to select from zero to ten in the scale for the questions I discovered that Control P5 only allows you to place them vertically and for the project I needed them horizontally. What did I do? I used Interfascia which is a little bit less beautifull but more practical when creating new interfaces.

Have a go on both of them and maybe you can find a solution for my problem (Im happy with intersfacia). Just one thing i have to say: don't try to rotate the controlP5 radio buttons or you will have a very nice glitch.

C'est fini!

[Ovo]: Manu Chao - Me gustas tĂș. I like you