I recognise that the first time I had contact with "Basilica" I didn't realise what I saw. That first time what I thought was that something went wrong during the rendering process of a 3D image. I couldn't be more mistaken, it was generative architecture what I was seeing, at that moment I was really interested in generative art and I am now, it seems to be a part of generative art I never really studied deeply. Now that I had another chance to get closer to it I noticed how big it is, it actually seems to be impossible to me to do a post about it in just one day, so I'm gonna start by adding here some links to Soddu's website and speeches.

Celestino Soddu - Generative Art - International Conference - The evolutionary process

A first step into Needs Must project.

Hannes Meyer said:
1. sex life, 2. sleeping habits, 3. pets, 4. gardening, 5. personal hygiene, 6. weather protection, 7. hygiene in the home, 8. car maintenance, 9. cooking, 10. heating, 11. exposure to the sun, 12. services - these are the only motives when building a house. We examine the daily routine of everyone who lives in the house and this gives us the functional diagram - the functional diagram and the economic programme are the determining principles of the building project.
(Meyer, 1928)

Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

I say:
A possible and first pyramid could be the one shown in the picture below, it is all mixed, as I said these are my first steps on the project.

My pyramid:
At the time i start a project or I receive an offer to do a project I find some needs or questions that I need to be answered before accepting or not. The principal ones are those that really matters to me, in case of need I could survive without the rest probably but these are the most important ones for me, that's why they are the basis of my pyramid.

-Budget: I think we all know this one, but I wanted to point also that feeling that you have when you know that the prize you are gonna receive is not as big as you thought. In some cases it makes you tackle a project in a very different way. A quote from a boss I had really represents this idea: "Motivation can only be achieved by money or project quality, if the project you are working in is s**t but you are earning a lot of money, you will feel recompensed at least." - Carlos Serrano

- Access to materials: This one can have two important possibilities, for example EA sports request you to make some motion capture of two chess players and it is impossible for you to find a tracking suit or the software it works with, you are not able to take the project (if EA request me for a job I'll find the way to do it Imagination) other possibility is that you might need to rent equipment or contract people for the project, here is where we can see how interconnected the base of the pyramid is.

- Time: This one might be the most important one at the time of taking a project, the I need it for yesterday phrase seems to be forgiven but not forgotten, even smallest projects seem to be decided long before the execution of it (thanks) but even sometimes people comes to you with a week deadline.

After clarifying the basic needs the following step is filled with those needs everyone should have in mind sometimes or at least know about them, this step should normally be jumped by big designing companies or names that are usually requested to do whatever they do best.

- Impositions: Normally the things you need to have in mind about the client you are working for. In example not to use opponent's company colours at the time of making a printed advert. If there are too many sometimes you can get obsesed about them and finish doing something very average.

- Social & Cultural aspects: This one has more to do about the execution of a project but they are aspects to keep your project safe from being banned from streets. Again if there are a lot of aspects involved the project can turn into a pain more than a pleasure.

- Platform: By platform I mean the different categories a project can be included in, in example, if it is a video, a poster or a website. The confidence you have on yourself while working on a platform can change your decision about taking a project or not.

Once you get over the safety step you should feel more confident about the project, so at this time only a personal matter can make you think twice about it, this is the time for love.

-Client & Self motivation:

Design and communication does various things on my needs about projects preparation and execution, sometimes it points me into different directions and also I know it can point clients and users to
The contribution that design and communication makes on the prosecution of these needs is wide and long to enumerate but some examples could be that sometimes these needs points you into different directions no taken before, reminds you what your main tasks are, sometimes it offers you more ways of doing the same thing, it makes you invent new ways of covering them and motivates you to accomplish different the different tasks inside a project.

The Impact:
These are the general needs of my work and what really makes the difference between a well executed project or not. In my opinion (now) these needs are the main influence to my work, the rest are just ideas and techniques

Life simulation games or artificial life games are simulation games in which the player maintains and grows one or more organisms. Some games involve a population and ecosystems and the interaction between them. They often simulate animal or human intelligence and are sometimes based on theoretical research made. This games genre normally divided in three different sub-genres:social simulation that explores social interactions (Little computer People),Pet raising simulation that simulates a virtual pet (Tamagotchi) and Biological simulation that are based on the control of the evolution of a character normally aliens or animals and some other games in which you control the environment of an ecosystem. From wikipedia (See the example titles)

Other examples of life simulation games are also know as cellular automatons. Cellular automatons has on John Horton Conway’s Game of life or Life their best representative but some other games are also available to play and explore. Kai Franz for example based his games on Stephen Wolfram’s cellular automata which generates patterns using the interaction between the cells, very similar to Conway’s simulator but with a more creative purpose (link).

Spore wikipedia official web

Coded Beauty by Thomas Kräftner
Treetop by nemoorange

[Ovo]: Depeche Mode - A pain that I'm used to

unnamed lesson

The video is from Johnny Chung Lee, For more information and software visit: hhtp://johnnylee.net

More videos from Johnny: tracking fingers, interactive whiteboard


First post mainly to try my new layout